
The Recipe For SEO Success Show

Chart-topping SEO podcast. SEO is a giant pain in the bum right? Full of jargon, snail oil salesmen and dodgy tactics. No! Search Engine Optimisation is 100% doable by normal humans and in this podcast award-winning SEO Educator Kate Toon chat with her expert guests about all things Googley including - DIY Optimisation tips and techniques - The latest SEO news and updates - Real life SEO case studies - Other related marketing tactics Find out more by Googling 'The Recipe for SEO Success'
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The Recipe For SEO Success Show











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Jan 28, 2025

In today's Toon tip I'm answering a question from the Misfits Entrepreneurs Facebook group from Jo Green: What are the top things to do to help your website and articles show up in Google AI overviews or AI search that are easy to implement?

Listen to all the tip episodes


  1. Free online training: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. SEO SOS Challenge

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course

  5. Join the Misfits Entrepreneur Facebook group


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jan 23, 2025

Keeping your customers click-happy 

What does the future of ecommerce look like?
Now, we’ve already done our SEO predictions episode covering the broad strokes, but today I want to focus on eCommerce.

What has changed, and what has stayed the same?
How can you continue to compete with the big brand names in this new age of AI?
Stick around and find out.

Tune in to learn:

  • What has changed in ecommerce over the last year
  • What technical aspects you should learn
  • What Google Shopping is
  • How Google Merchant Center works
  • Common UX mistakes ecommerce sites are making
  • What differences you can make to product descriptions for voice search
  • How AI is changing ecommerce business processes
  • How Louis keeps up with all the changes in ecommerce
  • Louis’s number-one tip for ecommerce owners

Useful resources: 


Head to episode notes 



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jan 14, 2025

It's time for my first SEO tip of 2025, and today we're going to be talking about SEO prompts for ChatGPT.

Now unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that ChatGPT is an advanced natural language processing AI model. Developed by OpenAI, it's all about trying to understand and generate ‘human-like’, and yes, I'm doing air fingers when I say human-like, text based on the input it receives.

It's a valuable tool, we love it, and lots of people are using it for SEO. Now, I want to give you some examples of how you can use it, say some prompts that might be helpful.

Listen to all the tip episodes

Useful links: 


  1. SEO SOS Challenge
  2. Free online training: Increase your website traffic (and sales)
  3. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course


Jan 7, 2025

What’s important to Google this year

So it’s been a while, thanks for Tooning back in.
As I mentioned in the kick-off episode for the year, I took a little break to deal with some personal stuff, but now I’m back and ready to face everything SEO has to throw at us in 2025.
But what do we think is coming down the tube?
How much will Chat GPT influence SEO?
Do the old methods still work?
Today I’m joined by one of my favourite SEO’s to talk through our predictions for the coming year.

Tune in to learn: 

  • Why it’s important to focus on UX (user experience) friendly sites

  • Why Google AI summaries are here to stay

  • Why SEO needs to become a multi-channel approach

  • Why we need to move beyond keywords and focus on user intent behind queries

  • Why everyone (including SEO pros) needs to work on building up their EEAT (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness)

  • Why video content is so important

  • Why we should focus on collaboration instead of creation

  • Why AI content is going to increase

  • How building communities can lead to potential customers

  • How you can use AI agents to streamline SEO processes

Head to episode notes


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jan 6, 2025

Hey, we're back. It's 2025 and the Recipe for SEO Success podcast is back on the airwaves (or the earwaves or whatever podcasts are).

For those of you who have been following my story online, you'll know that 2024 wasn't my best year. Very sadly, my dad passed away, and that caused obviously a lot of upset and changes.

But never fear, we are back and I will be launching a series of episodes over the coming weeks and for the first part of this year, I really want to focus on Australian SEO talent. There are now dozens of SEO podcasts. When I started, there were very few. Now there are hundreds. Every software seems to have an SEO podcast, every publication.

But we seem to see the same guests appearing again and again, and they're often the celebrity guests who are also on the speaker circuit. 

And since my audience is primarily real people, small business owners, ecommerce store owners, marketing managers, often who are trying to do SEO themselves with a very tight budget, I feel often these tips from the glamorous superstar SEOs aren't quite as relevant.

We'll also continue our reality SEO episodes where we talk to people who are doing the do who aren't necessarily getting paid as SEO experts. And also I will continue to do my tips,I really want to go back to the basics, what is happening in 2025?

How is SEO going to change? And of course it's always changing as it always has, we can't ignore the rise of ChatGTP and AI. So of course we'll be covering those in the episodes, but still core principles stay the same. 

So that's going to be the focus. Aussie Experts for now, more tips and advice, more reality, and a real focus on getting back to basics. So if that sounds good to you, put this in your favourite, listen in and welcome back. I'm so glad to be back in my little seat in my little hut in my back garden talking SEO again. 

Listen to all the tip episodes



  1. Free online training: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. SEO SOS Challenge

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Apr 29, 2024

Hello, I just want to explain that we're going to be taking a little bit of a break on the podcast, probably about a month or so.

This is sadly because I've had some bad news from home and I need to return to the UK and spend some time with my family. So I hope you can bear with me while I get through this difficult time.

We will be back later in the year with more great episodes.

Thanks for listening. I wish you all well. Thank you.



  1. Free online training: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. SEO SOS Challenge

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Apr 2, 2024

How to make your ecommerce store stand out with SEO


Do you struggle to get your products to rank high on the search engine results pages? 


Last year we went through how you can improve user experience on site with Louis Smith.


And today we’ll cover some common mistakes ecommerce owners make that can lead to their products ranking poorly, or sometimes not at all. 


Tune in to learn: 

  • How ecommerce SEO differs from service-based business SEO

  • What features ecommerce owners can access in the SERPS

  • Why you should get set up on Google Merchant Center.

  • The biggest mistakes ecommerce sites are making

  • What the best structure for product pages is

  • Patrick’s top tips on how to make more engaging product descriptions

  • How to use internal linking to cross-sell your products

  • Why having a personalised brand can help you stand out

  • What role schema plays in ecommerce sites


Useful resources: 


Head to episode notes



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. Free challenge: SEO SOS

  3. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Mar 19, 2024

Today is a tip episode, no guest to interview, just little old me.

My tips, my advice.

These shorter, more succinct episodes are here to help with easy learning and quick wins and I promise they’re 100% jargon and gobbledegook free.

Today I’m answering a question that was posted in the I LOVE SEO group about whether someone can optimise one web page of their website, and if that will be enough.


Listen to all the tip episodes



  1. Free online training: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. SEO SOS Challenge

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Mar 5, 2024

There is a mountain of SEO advice out there, but how much of it is actually doable for the average business human?

In my reality SEO episodes, I talk to real humans and get the truth about how they use SEO and digital marketing to improve their businesses.

Today I’ll be talking to a former student of the Recipe For SEO Success Course, Jane Fonti.

We’ll chat about how Jane got her start in SEO, the digital marketing highs and lows, and the challenges she’s faced along the way.

Head to the episode notes


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO SOS Challenge

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course


Feb 20, 2024

Today is a tip episode, we’re going to be talking about easy ecommerce SEO, five things for store-owners to focus on in 2024. 

I’m gonna be honest, I think that most ecommerce stores need to focus on some foundational elements.

So let's jump in. 

Listen to all the tip episodes here.


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Feb 6, 2024

Knowing your audience and cutting through the noise

In 2024 with the rise of AI, it can feel like we’re moving further and further away from our humanity. If we can chatbot our customer service, analyse spreadsheets to decide our next move, and Chatgpt our content do we really need to build relationships with our customers any more?

Well obviously, yes, yes we do!

But where do we start? 

How do we really know who our audience is, what they’re talking about and how to reach them?

Can we use data and insights to find out what podcasts they’re listening to, which social accounts they follow and the websites they love most?

And when we know all that information, what the hell do we do with it?

Today’s guest is an all-time favourite of the show and is going to help us understand what the eff is going on in the world of digital marketing and social media this year - and how we can be better marketers.

Tune in to Learn:

  • How much influence AI has actually had in digital marketing 

  • The biggest challenges marketers are facing n 2024

  • What ‘dark social’ means

  • What the future of paid ads looks like

  • What is working in social media

  • How SparkToro works

  • How to use the data you find using SparkToro

  • Why email marketing is the way forward

  • What you should be investing your time in marketing right now

Useful resources:


Head to the episode notes. 



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jan 16, 2024

Today is a tip episode, no guest to interview, just little old me.

My tips, my advice.

These shorter episodes are here to help with easy learning and quick wins and I promise they’re 100% jargon and gobbledegook free.

Today we’re going to be talking about what the first steps are for a new website when it comes to SEO.

Check out all the Toon tips here.


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jan 2, 2024

So here we are, a fresh new year to grapple the Google beast and get our site found online.

But what should be our SEO priorities in 2024?
What’s coming down the pipe?
And what is old hat?

Today I’m joined by one of our favourite guests on the Recipe for SEO Success podcast, Cyrus Shepard.

We’re going to be rubbing our crystal balls together and chatting through what we think are the big things to focus on in 2024.

Will AI ruin SEO once and for all?
What algorithm updates do we see coming?
Can we finally forget schema?

We’ll answer all this and more in today’s episode.


Tune in to learn: 

  • What impact Generative AI will have on the Search results

  • The importance of User signals in ranking

  • What Cyrus learned as a Google quality rater

  • Whether backlinks still matter

  • If you still need to keep using schema

  • The three-second rule and why it matters more in 2024

  • What Cyrus learned from the recent Google privacy trial

And so much more.

Head to episode notes 

Useful resources: 


  1. SEO SOS Challenge
  2. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  3. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  4. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Nov 21, 2023

Taking testing one step at a time

Do you ever wonder how effective your site’s SEO is? 

You’ve put all this time and effort into finding effective keywords, your images are slim, your page loading time is faster than a fast thing. 


But is it bringing in the clicks and sales?
Because at the end of the day, ranking is nice, but you know what’s nicer? Making money!

Today we’re going to look at some tests you can run on your SEO to make sure it’s all ticking along, and what needs some work.

Tune in to learn: 

  • What SEO testing is

  • Where to start - simple tests for small business owners

  • How to measure how successful your title tag is 

  • How long you should run a test before looking at the results

  • How you can test the effectiveness of a featured snippet

  • How to look at your highest conversion pages and see where the clicks are really going

  • What tools Logan recommends for SEO testing

  • Logan’s top tip to get started with testing


Useful resources: 


Head to episode notes 



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Nov 7, 2023

Today is a tip episode, no guest to interview, just little old me.

My tips, my advice.

These shorter, more succinct episodes are here to help with easy learning and quick wins and I promise they’re 100% jargon and gobbledegook free.

Today we’re going to be talking about the 4 most common website issues I see every day.


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Oct 24, 2023

Embracing techy SEO to get found online

Getting SEO advice is one thing, but how much of it is really doable for the average business human? 

In my reality SEO episodes, I talk to real humans and get the truth about how they use SEO and digital marketing to improve their businesses.

Today I’ll be talking to a former student of the Recipe For SEO Success Course, Elisha de Jonge.

We’ll chat about how Elisha got her start in SEO, the digital marketing highs and lows, and the challenges she’s faced along the way.

Useful resources:



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Oct 10, 2023

Today is a tip episode, no guest to interview, just little old me.

My tips, my advice.

These shorter, more succinct episodes are here to help with easy learning and quick wins and I promise they’re 100% jargon and gobbledegook free.

Today we’re going to be talking about how much should SEO cost?



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Sep 19, 2023

Now here’s me thinking that being online means I’m pretty green.

My entire business is up in the cloud, with very few physical products, not much post, and a little shed in the back garden that uses minimal electricity.


And I never use my printer, not because I’m green but because I can’t hook it up to my computer properly.


But today’s guest is going to explain how even hosting your website has environmental consequences and some simple steps to minimising your environmental footprint.

Tune in to learn: 

  • What it means to be green online
  • How your digital footprint is connected to your carbon footprint
  • How climate change is being affected by websites, apps and email
  • Common practices online that are more harmful than helpful to the environment
  • What steps you can take to reduce your carbon footprint
  • Why hosting is a big issue when it comes to being green
  • How True Green® can help reduce energy output
  • What to focus on when choosing a hosting platform


Useful resources: 


Head to episode notes 



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Sep 5, 2023

So today is a tip episode, no guest to interview, just little old me. 

My tips, my advice.

These shorter more succinct episodes are here to help with easy learning and quick wins and I promise they’re 100% jargon and gobbledegook free. 

Today I’m answering questions about ecommerce SEO.


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Aug 22, 2023

Setting up a website is not a one-off process. 

In many ways, it’s like having a plant. 

Building your website and optimising it to be found is like setting up the nutrient-rich soil. 

Hitting publish for the first time is like planting a seed. 

Now you just sit back and see what happens right?

No, much like that little seed, if you ignore it, it will wither away, much like your website traffic. 

You have to monitor it, remove any bugs, and give it plenty of water and sunshine. I’ll leave the plant metaphor there.

So how do we keep it healthy and thriving? The answer? Well, one answer is Google Search Console. I often describe it as Google Analytics ugly cousin, but in fact, it’s a rich source of website nutrients, helping you diagnose, and understand your website, and if necessary bring it back to life.

Today we’ll look at the benefits of using Google’s Search Console as a tool in your SEO garden shed to keep traffic high and problems low.

Tune in to learn:

  • What Google Search Console is

  • Two metrics to focus on when you’re getting started

  • What Sodiq thinks of Search Console Insights

  • Where to start looking when your traffic is way down

  • More advanced ways to use Google Search Console

  • Sodiq’s tips for getting acquainted with Google Search Console


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Aug 8, 2023

Need a speedy SEO Fix? 

These micro SEO tip episodes are a fast way to digest a little SEO knowledge for easy learning and quick wins and I guarantee they’re 100% jargon and gobbledegook free. 

Today I’ll be giving you some top tips on Local SEO.



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jul 11, 2023

Showing Google you've got the goods

Hey you, ecommerce store owner.
I know you got a sexy theme for your website that promised it was responsive, conversion-focused and all that jazz.
But is it?
So many ecommerce sites fall down on the basics of user experience.

Terrible navigation - check
Confusing home page - check
Bland category pages - check
Cut and paste product descriptions - check

And don’t get me started on that checkout experience.
Well, today we’re honing in on carts, shopping and making the sale.
Telling you how to turn casual browsers into eager buyers.

Tune in to learn


  • The three main differences between service-based business SEO and ecommerce SEO

  • How small businesses should build out the primary nav structure

  • Two ways to start driving more relevant traffic to your ecommerce site today

  • How to avoid the duplicate content issue with collection and product pages

  • How to do keyword research for collection pages and product pages

  • How to improve time on site and key information you should add to encourage customers through to the sale

  • How to stand out in the SERPS against the bigger brands

  • Optimising your product pages - where to start

  • Why generative AI isn’t going to doom ecommerce stores

  • The importance of your brand story, and taking consumers on a journey with your brand

Useful resources


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

Jun 20, 2023

Okay, are you ready for a rant?
I know I share interviews and chats.
I’ve now started sharing tips and advice.

But today it’s rant time. This Toon is angry and I want to share why.

So today I’m getting stuck into shitty SEO agencies.
What they do.
Why they do it.
And how to see the red flags before you get screwed.

Ready? Let’s go.


  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course


Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course


Jun 6, 2023

Understanding how Google classifies context.

The Google beast has come a long way since 10 blue links, doorway pages and exact match domains.

But what’s changed the most is probably how we consider and use keywords. 

At beginner level we’re gathering keywords, grouping them by content and then using them on our pages, but as Google strives to improve the search results, it has started to dig deeper, and look at more than just the words on the page - now Google thinks about both context and the relationships between words.

And this, my friends, is what we mean when we talk about entity-based SEO.

Tune in to learn:

Today we’ll cover:

  • What entities are

  • What a knowledge graph is

  • What semantic search is

  • How semantic search helps users find relevant information

  • Keyword research: how relevant it is with entities in the mix

  • Nik’s top 5 tips for content writers with Natural Language Processing in mind

Head to episode notes

Useful resources:



Sign up for the Recipe for SEO Success Course

May 16, 2023

I’ve started a new style of episode. 

I’ve had an amazing run of interviewing other humans but often you don’t hear that much from me. 

My tips, my advice.

So I thought I’d start sharing that with you. 

After a long 5 years, shorter more succinct episodes for easy learning and quick wins, 100% jargon and gobbledegook free. 

Today I’ll be covering Core Web Vitals: what are they, why do we care about them, and how we can make them better.


Useful Resources: 



  1. Free webinar: Increase your website traffic (and sales)

  2. The Ultimate SEO Checklist

  3. Free SEO Nibbles Course

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